Custom plot functions#


Set axes limits#


Return [np.min(a), np.max(a)]

GooseMPL.scale_lim(lim[, factor])

Scale limits to be 5% wider, to have a nice plot.

GooseMPL.set_decade_lims([axis, direction])

Set limits the the floor/ceil values in terms of decades.


GooseMPL.ticks([keep, axis, direction, autofmt])

Get and/or apply ticks and tick-labels between two bounds. Example: select a fraction of the default ticks along an axis::.

GooseMPL.xticks(*args, **kwargs)

See ticks().

GooseMPL.yticks(*args, **kwargs)

See ticks().

GooseMPL.log_ticks([lim, keep, base, axis, ...])

Get and/or apply major ticks and tick-labels between two bounds. Example: select a fraction of the default major ticks along an axis::.

GooseMPL.log_xticks(*args, **kwargs)

See log_ticks().

GooseMPL.log_yticks(*args, **kwargs)

See log_ticks().

GooseMPL.log_minorticks([lim, keep, axis, ...])

Get and/or apply minor ticks and tick-labels between two bounds. Example: select a fraction of the default minor ticks along an axis::.

GooseMPL.log_minorxticks(*args, **kwargs)

See log_minorticks().

GooseMPL.log_minoryticks(*args, **kwargs)

See log_minorticks().

Plot in relative coordinates#

GooseMPL.plot(x, y[, units, axis])


GooseMPL.text(x, y, text[, units, axis])

Plot a text.

GooseMPL.rel2abs_x(x[, axis])

Transform relative x-coordinates to absolute x-coordinates.

GooseMPL.rel2abs_y(y[, axis])

Transform relative y-coordinates to absolute y-coordinates.

GooseMPL.abs2rel_x(x[, axis])

Transform absolute x-coordinates to relative x-coordinates.

GooseMPL.abs2rel_y(y[, axis])

Transform absolute y-coordinates to relative y-coordinates.


GooseMPL.fit_powerlaw(xdata, ydata[, yerr, ...])

Fit a powerlaw \(y = c x^b\) by a linear fitting of \(\ln y = \ln c + b \ln x\).

GooseMPL.fit_exp(xdata, ydata[, yerr, ...])

Fit an exponential \(y = c \exp(b x)\) by linear fitting of :math`ln y = ln c + b x`.

GooseMPL.fit_linear(xdata, ydata[, yerr, ...])

Fit a linear function \(y = a + b x\).

Annotate power-law#

GooseMPL.grid_powerlaw(exp[, insert, skip, ...])

Draw a power-law grid: a grid that respects a certain power-law exponent.

GooseMPL.plot_powerlaw(exp, startx, starty)

Plot a power-law.

GooseMPL.annotate_powerlaw(text, exp, ...[, ...])

Added a label to the middle of a power-law annotation (see goosempl.plot_powerlaw).

GooseMPL.diagonal_powerlaw(exp[, ll, lr, ...])

Set the limits such that a power-law with a certain exponent lies on the diagonal.

Plot mesh#

GooseMPL.patch(*args, **kwargs)

Add patches to plot.

(Plot) statistics#

GooseMPL.histogram(data[, return_edges])

Compute histogram.

GooseMPL.histogram_bin_edges(data[, bins, ...])

Determine bin-edges.


Merge bins with right-neighbour until each bin has a minimum width.

GooseMPL.histogram_bin_edges_mincount(data, ...)

Merge bins with right-neighbour until each bin has a minimum number of data-points.


Merge bins not encompassing an integer with the preceding bin.


Return the midpoints of every bin-edge.

GooseMPL.histogram_norm(count, bin_edges[, norm])

(Re)normalise a histogram.

GooseMPL.histogram_cumulative(data, **kwargs)

Compute cumulative histogram.

GooseMPL.cdf(data[, less_equal])

Cumulative distribution function: P(x < X).

GooseMPL.ccdf(data[, greater_equal])

Complementary cumulative distribution function: P(x >= X).

GooseMPL.hist(P, edges, **kwargs)

Plot histogram.

GooseMPL.random_from_cdf(shape, P, x[, ...])

Generate a random number based on a discrete cumulative probability density function.


GooseMPL.latex_float(number[, fmt])

Convert a number to a LaTeX notation.


Return True if the system has LaTeX installed.


Find an available font to mimic LaTeX, and return its name.


GooseMPL.subplots([scale_x, scale_y, scale])

Run matplotlib.pyplot.subplots with figsize set to the correct multiple of the default.

GooseMPL.savefig(*args, **kwargs)

Run matplotlib.pyplot.savefig while making sure that the directory exists.

GooseMPL.close(*args, **kwargs)

Run matplotlib.pyplot.close.


Write all goose-styles to the relevant matplotlib configuration directory.


This module provides some extensions to matplotlib.

  • numpy

  • matplotlib

GooseMPL.abs2rel_x(x, axis=None)#

Transform absolute x-coordinates to relative x-coordinates. Relative coordinates correspond to a fraction of the relevant axis. Be sure to set the limits and scale before calling this function!

x (float, list)

Absolute coordinates.

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.


x (float, list)

Relative coordinates.

GooseMPL.abs2rel_y(y, axis=None)#

Transform absolute y-coordinates to relative y-coordinates. Relative coordinates correspond to a fraction of the relevant axis. Be sure to set the limits and scale before calling this function!

y (float, list)

Absolute coordinates.

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.


y (float, list)

Relative coordinates.

GooseMPL.annotate_powerlaw(text, exp, startx, starty, width=None, rx=0.5, ry=0.5, **kwargs)#

Added a label to the middle of a power-law annotation (see goosempl.plot_powerlaw).

exp (float)

The power-law exponent.

startx, starty (float)

Start coordinates.

width, height, endx, endy (float)

Definition of the end coordinate (only on of these options is needed).

rx, ry ([0.5] | float)

x- and y-position of the label relative to the width and the height of the power-law annotation line (as can be plotted by goosempl.plot_powerlaw). E.g. rx = 0.5, ry = 0.5 corresponds to the middle of the line.

units (['relative'] | 'absolute')

The type of units in which the coordinates are specified. Relative coordinates correspond to a fraction of the relevant axis. If you use relative coordinates, be sure to set the limits and scale before calling this function!

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.

Any plt.text(...) option.


The handle of the plt.text(...) command.

GooseMPL.asLinearSegmentedColormap(cmap: ArrayLike, name: str = 'mycolormap') LinearSegmentedColormap#

Convert matrix of colors to a linear segmented colormap. See this answer for more details.


cmap – Matrix of colors [n, 3].


The LinearSegmentedColormap.

GooseMPL.bin(x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, bin_edges: ArrayLike | int, use_median: bool = False, return_n: bool = False)#

Bin data.

  • x – x-data.

  • y – y-data.

  • bin_edges – Bin-edges along the x-axis, or the number of bins.

  • use_median – Use median instead of mean.

  • return_n – Return the number of points in each bin (as dictionary entry “n”).


Dictionary as follows:: x: mean(x) for each bin (or median(x) if use_median = True). y: mean(y) for each bin (or median(y) if use_median = True). xerr: std(x) for each bin. yerr: std(y) for each bin.

GooseMPL.ccdf(data: ArrayLike, greater_equal: bool = True)#

Complementary cumulative distribution function: P(x >= X). By definition: ccdf(data)[0] == 1 - cdf(data)[0]).

  • data – Input data.

  • greater_equal – If True return P(x >= X), if False return ``P(x > X).


(P, X)

GooseMPL.cdf(data: ArrayLike, less_equal: bool = False)#

Cumulative distribution function: P(x < X).

  • data – Input data.

  • less_equal – If True return P(x <= X), if False return ``P(x < X).


(P, X)

GooseMPL.close(*args, **kwargs)#

Run matplotlib.pyplot.close.


Write all goose-styles to the relevant matplotlib configuration directory.

GooseMPL.diagonal_powerlaw(exp, ll=None, lr=None, tl=None, tr=None, width=None, height=None, plot=False, **kwargs)#

Set the limits such that a power-law with a certain exponent lies on the diagonal.

exp (<float>)

The power-law exponent.

ll, lr, tl, tr (<list>)

Coordinates of the lower-left, or the lower-right, or the top-left, or the top-right corner.

width, height (<float>)

Width or the height.

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.

plot ([False] | True)

Plot the diagonal.

Any plt.plot(...) option.


The handle of the plt.plot(...) command (if any).


Find an available font to mimic LaTeX, and return its name.

GooseMPL.fit_exp(xdata: ArrayLike, ydata: ArrayLike, yerr: ArrayLike = None, yerr_mode: str = 'differentials', absolute_sigma: bool = True, prefactor: float = None, exponent: float = None, axis: Axes = None, fmt: str = None, auto_fmt: str = None, extrapolate: bool | dict = False, **kwargs) dict#

Fit an exponential \(y = c \exp(b x)\) by linear fitting of :math`ln y = ln c + b x`. This function does not support more customised operation like fitting an offset, but custom code can be easily written by copy/pasting from here.


If this function is used to plot the fit, beware that the fit is plotted using just two data-points if the axis is set to semilogy-scale (as the fit will be a straight line on that scale).

Different modes are available to treat yerr:

  • "differentials": assume that yerr << ydata, such that

    \[\begin{split}z &\equiv \ln y \\ \delta z &= \left| \frac{\partial z}{\partial y} \right| \delta y \\ \delta z &= \frac{\delta y}{y}\end{split}\]
  • xdata – Data points along the x-axis.

  • ydata – Data points along the y-axis.

  • yerr – Error-bar for ydata.

  • yerr_mode – How to treat the error in ydata, see above.

  • absolute_sigma – Treat (the effective) yerr as absolute error.

  • prefactor – Prefactor \(c\) (fitted if not specified).

  • exponent – Exponent \(b\) (fitted if not specified).

  • axis – Axis to plot along (not plotted if not specified).

  • fmt – Format for the label (if plotting). E.g. r"${0:.3f} \exp ({1:.2f} x)$".

  • auto_fmt – Format label (if plotting) as r"${0:.3f} \exp ({1:.2f} x)$", with x replaced with the specified string.

  • extrapolate – Plot the function on the full range of axis.get_xlim(). Instead of True'', one can specify plot options for the extrapolated line, e.g. ``..., extrapolate=dict(ls="--", c="r"), ....

  • kwargs – Other plot options.


The fit (and plot) details as a dictionary:

prefactor: (Fitted) prefactor.
exponent: (Fitted) exponent.
prefactor_error: Estimated error of prefactor.
exponent_error: Estimated error of exponent.
pcov: Covariance of fit.
label: Label.
handle: Handle of the plot (if ``axis`` was specified).
handle_lower: Handle of the plot of the lower extrapolation, if present.
handle_upper: Handle of the plot of the upper extrapolation, if present.

GooseMPL.fit_linear(xdata: ArrayLike, ydata: ArrayLike, yerr: ArrayLike = None, absolute_sigma: bool = True, offset: float = None, slope: float = None, axis: Axes = None, fmt: str = None, auto_fmt: str = None, extrapolate: bool | dict = False, **kwargs) dict#

Fit a linear function \(y = a + b x\).

  • xdata – Data points along the x-axis.

  • ydata – Data points along the y-axis.

  • yerr – Error-bar for ydata.

  • absolute_sigma – Treat (the effective) yerr as absolute error.

  • offset – Offset \(a\) (fitted if not specified).

  • slope – Slope \(b\) (fitted if not specified).

  • axis – Axis to plot along (not plotted if not specified).

  • fmt – Format for the label, e.g. r"${offset:.2f} + {slope:.2f} x$".

  • auto_fmt – Format label as r"$({offset:.2f} \pm {offset_error:.2f}) + ({slope:.2f} \pm {slope_error:.2f}) x$", with x replaced with the specified string.

  • extrapolate – Plot the function on the full range of axis.get_xlim(). Instead of True, one can specify plot options for the extrapolated line, e.g. ..., extrapolate=dict(ls="--", c="r"), ....

  • kwargs – Other plot options.


The fit (and plot) details as a dictionary:

offset: (Fitted) offset.
slope: (Fitted) slope.
offset_error: Estimated error of offset.
slope_error: Estimated error of slope.
pcov: Covariance of fit.
label: Label.
handle: Handle of the plot (if ``axis`` was specified).
handle_lower: Handle of the plot of the lower extrapolation, if present.
handle_upper: Handle of the plot of the upper extrapolation, if present.

GooseMPL.fit_log(xdata: ArrayLike, ydata: ArrayLike, yerr: ArrayLike = None, **kwargs) dict#

Fit a logarithm \(y = a + b \ln x\). See documentation of fit_linear().

GooseMPL.fit_powerlaw(xdata: ArrayLike, ydata: ArrayLike, yerr: ArrayLike = None, yerr_mode: str = 'differentials', absolute_sigma: bool = True, prefactor: float = None, exponent: float = None, axis: Axes = None, fmt: str = None, auto_fmt: str = None, extrapolate: bool | dict = False, **kwargs) dict#

Fit a powerlaw \(y = c x^b\) by a linear fitting of \(\ln y = \ln c + b \ln x\).


This function does not support more customised operation like fitting an offset, but custom code can be easily written by copy/pasting from here.


If this function is used to plot the fit, beware that the fit is plotted using just two data-points if the axis is set to log-log scale (as the fit will be a straight line on that scale).

Different modes are available to treat an error estimate (yerr) in ydata:

  • "differentials": assume that yerr << ydata, such that

    \[\begin{split}z &\equiv \ln y \\ \delta z &= \left| \frac{\partial z}{\partial y} \right| \delta y \\ \delta z &= \frac{\delta y}{y}\end{split}\]
  • xdata – Data points along the x-axis.

  • ydata – Data points along the y-axis.

  • yerr – Error-bar for ydata (should be the standard deviation).

  • yerr_mode – How to treat the error in ydata, see above.

  • absolute_sigma – Treat (the effective) yerr as absolute error.

  • prefactor – Prefactor \(c\) (fitted if not specified).

  • exponent – Exponent \(b\) (fitted if not specified).

  • axis – Axis to plot along (not plotted if not specified).

  • fmt – Format for the label, e.g. r"${prefactor:.2f} x^{{{exponent:.2f}}}$".

  • auto_fmt – Format label as r"$({prefactor:.2f} \pm {prefactor_error:.2f}) x^{{{exponent:.2f} \pm {exponent_error:.2f}}}$", with x replaced with the specified string.

  • extrapolate – Plot the function on the full range of axis.get_xlim(). Instead of True, one can specify plot options for the extrapolated line, e.g. ..., extrapolate=dict(ls="--", c="r"), ....

  • kwargs – Other plot options.


The fit (and plot) details as a dictionary:

prefactor: (Fitted) prefactor.
exponent: (Fitted) exponent.
prefactor_error: Estimated error of prefactor.
exponent_error: Estimated error of exponent.
pcov: Covariance of fit.
label: Label.
handle: Handle of the plot (if ``axis`` was specified).
handle_lower: Handle of the plot of the lower extrapolation, if present.
handle_upper: Handle of the plot of the upper extrapolation, if present.

GooseMPL.grid_powerlaw(exp, insert=0, skip=0, end=-1, step=0, axis=None, **kwargs)#

Draw a power-law grid: a grid that respects a certain power-law exponent. The grid-lines start from the positions of the ticks.

exp (float)

The power-law exponent.

insert (<int>)

Insert extra lines in between the default lines set by the tick positions.

skip, end, step (<int>)

Select from the lines based on coor = coor[skip:end:step].

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.

Any plt.plot(...) option.


The handle of the plt.plot(...) command.

GooseMPL.hist(P, edges, **kwargs)#

Plot histogram.

GooseMPL.histogram(data, return_edges=True, **kwargs)#

Compute histogram. This function passes all options to numpy.histrogram In addition you can use:


return_edges – Return the bin edges if set to True, return their midpoints otherwise.

GooseMPL.histogram_bin_edges(data, bins=10, mode='equal', min_count=None, integer=False, remove_empty_edges=True, min_width=None)#

Determine bin-edges.

data (<array_like>)

Input data. The histogram is computed over the flattened array.

bins ([10] | <int>)

The number of bins.

mode (['equal' | <str>)

Mode with which to compute the bin-edges: * 'equal': each bin has equal width. * 'log': logarithmic spacing. * 'uniform': uniform number of data-points per bin. * 'voronoi': each bin is the region between two adjacent data-points.

min_count (<int>)

The minimum number of data-points per bin.

min_width (<float>)

The minimum width of each bin.

integer ([False] | True)

If True, bins not encompassing an integer are removed (e.g. a bin with edges [1.1, 1.9] is removed, but [0.9, 1.1] is not removed).

remove_empty_edges ([True] | False)

Remove empty bins at the beginning or the end.


bin_edges (<array of dtype float>)

The edges to pass into histogram.

GooseMPL.histogram_bin_edges2midpoint(bin_edges: ArrayLike)#

Return the midpoints of every bin-edge.

  • bin_edges – Bin-edges.

  • count – Count per bin.

  • norm – Area of the histogram.


Merge bins not encompassing an integer with the preceding bin. For example: a bin with edges [1.1, 1.9] is removed, but [0.9, 1.1] is not removed.


bin_edges (array_like) – Bin-edges.



GooseMPL.histogram_bin_edges_mincount(data, min_count, bins)#

Merge bins with right-neighbour until each bin has a minimum number of data-points.

data (<array_like>)

Input data. The histogram is computed over the flattened array.

bins (<array_like> | <int>)

The bin-edges (or the number of bins, automatically converted to equal-sized bins).

min_count (<int>)

The minimum number of data-points per bin.

GooseMPL.histogram_bin_edges_minwidth(min_width, bins)#

Merge bins with right-neighbour until each bin has a minimum width.

bins (<array_like>)

The bin-edges.

min_width (<float>)

The minimum bin width.

GooseMPL.histogram_cumulative(data, **kwargs)#

Compute cumulative histogram. See numpy.histrogram

Extra options:
return_edges ([True] | [False])

Return the bin edges if set to True, return their midpoints otherwise.

normalize ([False] | True)

Normalize such that the final probability is one. In this case the function returns the (binned) cumulative probability density.

GooseMPL.histogram_norm(count: ArrayLike, bin_edges: ArrayLike, norm: float = 1.0)#

(Re)normalise a histogram.

  • count – Count.

  • bin_edges – Bin-edges.

  • norm – Area of the histogram.

GooseMPL.histogram_rebin(count: ArrayLike, bin_edges: ArrayLike, group: int = 100, strip: bool = False)#

Rebin a histogram.

  • count – Count per bin.

  • bin_edges – Bin-edges.

  • group – Number of bins to group.

  • strip – Strip empty bins at the beginning and end.


count, bin_edges

GooseMPL.latex_float(number, fmt='{0:.2g}')#

Convert a number to a LaTeX notation. See this answer

number (<float>)

A number.

fmt (<str> | ['{0:.2g}'])

Format used to to initially convert the number to a string.


string (<str>)

The number in LaTeX notation.

GooseMPL.log_format(base, ticks)#

Format a list of ticks to LaTeX notation.

  • base – The base of the exponents.

  • ticks – The ticks.


The formatted ticks.

GooseMPL.log_format_text_minus(base, ticks)#

Format a list of ticks to LaTeX notation. If the exponent is negative, the minus sign is formatted as a LaTeX text (shorter minus sign).

  • base – The base of the exponents.

  • ticks – The ticks.


The formatted ticks.

GooseMPL.log_minorticks(lim: tuple(float, float) = None, keep: list = None, axis: plt.Axes = None, direction: str = 'x')#

Get and/or apply minor ticks and tick-labels between two bounds. Example: select a fraction of the default minor ticks along an axis:

log_minorticks(keep=[0, -1], axis=ax)

Example: get ticks and labels (without applying them to a plot):

>>> ticks, labels = log_ticks((0, 1))
>>> print(ticks)
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> print(labels)
["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
  • lim – Lower- and upper-bound. Default: read from axis or plt.gca(),

  • keep – Keep only a selection of labels, convert the rest to empty strings.

  • axis – Apply ticks/labels to an axis. Ticks are only applied if the axis is specified.

  • direction – “x” or “y”.


ticks, labels

GooseMPL.log_minorxticks(*args, **kwargs)#

See log_minorticks().

GooseMPL.log_minoryticks(*args, **kwargs)#

See log_minorticks().

GooseMPL.log_ticks(lim: tuple(int, int) = None, keep: list = None, base: int | float = 10, axis: plt.Axes = None, direction: str = 'x', minor: bool = True, formatter: callable = <function log_format>) -> (list, list)#

Get and/or apply major ticks and tick-labels between two bounds. Example: select a fraction of the default major ticks along an axis:

log_ticks(keep=[0, -1], axis=ax)
log_ticks(keep=slice(0, None, 2), axis=ax)

Example: get ticks and labels (without applying them to a plot):

>>> ticks, labels = log_ticks((0, 3))
>>> print(ticks)
[1, 10, 100, 1000]
>>> print(labels)
['$10^{0}$', '$10^{1}$', '$10^{2}$', '$10^{3}$']
  • lim – Lower- and upper-bound exponent. Default: read from axis or plt.gca().

  • keep – Keep only a selection of labels, convert the rest to empty strings.

  • base – The base of the exponents.

  • axis – Apply ticks/labels to an axis. Ticks are only applied if the axis is specified.

  • direction – “x” or “y”.

  • minor – Use minor ticks: minor ticks are placed without labels, they are not returned.

  • formatter – Function to format the ticks. Called formatter(base, ticks).


ticks, labels

GooseMPL.log_xticks(*args, **kwargs)#

See log_ticks().

GooseMPL.log_yticks(*args, **kwargs)#

See log_ticks().


Return [np.min(a), np.max(a)]

GooseMPL.patch(*args, **kwargs)#

Add patches to plot. The color of the patches is indexed according to a specified color-index.


Plot a finite element mesh: the outline of the undeformed configuration, and the deformed configuration for which the elements get a color e.g. based on stress:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import goosempl          as gplt

fig,ax = plt.subplots()

p = gplt.patch(
    coor=coor + disp,

_ = gplt.patch(coor=coor, conn=conn, axis=ax)

cbar = fig.colorbar(p,axis=ax,aspect=10)
Arguments - option 1/2:
patches (<list>)

List with patch objects. Can be replaced by specifying coor and conn.

Arguments - option 2/2:
coor (<numpy.ndarray> | <list> (nested))

Matrix with on each row the coordinates (positions) of each node.

conn (<numpy.ndarray> | <list> (nested))

Matrix with on each row the number numbers (rows in coor) which form an element (patch).

cindex (<numpy.ndarray>)

Array with, for each patch, the value that should be indexed to a color.

axis (<matplotlib>)

Specify an axis to include to plot in. By default the current axis is used.

autoscale ([True] | False)

Automatically update the limits of the plot (currently automatic limits of Collections are not supported by matplotlib).

Recommended options:
cmap (<str> | …)

Specify a colormap.

linewidth (<float>)

Width of the edges.

edgecolor (<str> | …)

Color of the edges.

clim ((<float>,<float>))

Lower and upper limit of the color-axis.


handle (<matplotlib>)

Handle of the patch objects.

See also

GooseMPL.plot(x, y, units='absolute', axis=None, **kwargs)#


x, y (list)


units (['absolute'] | 'relative')

The type of units in which the coordinates are specified. Relative coordinates correspond to a fraction of the relevant axis. If you use relative coordinates, be sure to set the limits and scale before calling this function!

Any plt.plot(...) option.


The handle of the plt.plot(...) command.

GooseMPL.plot_powerlaw(exp, startx, starty, width=None, **kwargs)#

Plot a power-law.

exp (float)

The power-law exponent.

startx, starty (float)

Start coordinates.

width, height, endx, endy (float)

Definition of the end coordinate (only on of these options is needed).

units (['relative'] | 'absolute')

The type of units in which the coordinates are specified. Relative coordinates correspond to a fraction of the relevant axis. If you use relative coordinates, be sure to set the limits and scale before calling this function!

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.

return_parameters ([False] | True)

If True the output is a tuple: the handle of the plot, and the parameters that define the powerlaw: the constant and the exponent.

Any plt.plot(...) option.


The handle of the plt.plot(...) command.

GooseMPL.random_from_cdf(shape, P, x, linspace=False, shuffle=True)#

Generate a random number based on a discrete cumulative probability density function.

shape (`<array_like>)

Shape of the output array.

P, x (`<array_like>)

Cumulative probability of each data point x.

linspace ([False] | True)

If True the cumulative probabilities of the output array are drawn from an equally spaced array. Otherwise they are drawn randomly.

shuffle ([True] | False)

If True the output is shuffled (before reshaping), otherwise the output it sorted.

GooseMPL.rel2abs_x(x, axis=None)#

Transform relative x-coordinates to absolute x-coordinates. Relative coordinates correspond to a fraction of the relevant axis. Be sure to set the limits and scale before calling this function!

x (float, list)

Relative coordinates.

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.


x (float, list)

Absolute coordinates.

GooseMPL.rel2abs_y(y, axis=None)#

Transform relative y-coordinates to absolute y-coordinates. Relative coordinates correspond to a fraction of the relevant axis. Be sure to set the limits and scale before calling this function!

y (float, list)

Relative coordinates.

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.


y (float, list)

Absolute coordinates.

GooseMPL.restore_data(data, key, axis=None)#

Restore plot from HDF5-file.

data (h5py.File)

Opened HDF5 file.

key (<str>)

Name of the dataset from which to read.

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis on which to plot.



The handle of the created plot.

Deprecated since version 0.6.0: Use openscienceplot_matplotlib

GooseMPL.savefig(*args, **kwargs)#

Run matplotlib.pyplot.savefig while making sure that the directory exists.

GooseMPL.scale_lim(lim, factor=1.05)#

Scale limits to be 5% wider, to have a nice plot.

lim (<list> | <str>)

The limits. May be a string “[…,…]”, which is converted to a list.

factor ([1.05] | <float>)

Scale factor.

GooseMPL.set_decade_lims(axis=None, direction=None)#

Set limits the the floor/ceil values in terms of decades.

axis ([plt.gca()] | …)

Specify the axis to which to apply the limits.

direction ([None] | 'x' | 'y')

Limit the application to a certain direction (default: both).

GooseMPL.subplots(scale_x=None, scale_y=None, scale=None, **kwargs)#

Run matplotlib.pyplot.subplots with figsize set to the correct multiple of the default.

Additional options:
scale, scale_x, scale_y (<float>)

Scale the figure-size (along one of the dimensions).


Return True if the system has LaTeX installed.

GooseMPL.text(x, y, text, units='absolute', axis=None, **kwargs)#

Plot a text.

x, y (float)


text (str)

Text to plot.

units (['absolute'] | 'relative')

The type of units in which the coordinates are specified. Relative coordinates correspond to a fraction of the relevant axis. If you use relative coordinates, be sure to set the limits and scale before calling this function!

Any plt.text(...) option.


The handle of the plt.text(...) command.

GooseMPL.ticks(keep: list = None, axis: plt.Axes = None, direction: str = 'x', autofmt: bool = True)#

Get and/or apply ticks and tick-labels between two bounds. Example: select a fraction of the default ticks along an axis:

ticks(keep=[0, -1], axis=ax)
ticks(keep=slice(0, None, 2), axis=ax)
  • keep – Keep only a selection of labels, convert the rest to empty strings.

  • axis – Apply ticks/labels to an axis. Ticks are only applied if the axis is specified.

  • direction – “x” or “y”.

  • autofmt – Re-apply automatic formatting to the remaining ticks.


ticks, labels

GooseMPL.write_data(data, key, handle)#

Save plot data to HDF5-file.

data (h5py.File)

Opened HDF5 file.

key (<str>)

Name of the dataset to which to write.


The handle to write.

Deprecated since version 0.6.0: Use openscienceplot_matplotlib

GooseMPL.xticks(*args, **kwargs)#

See ticks().

GooseMPL.yticks(*args, **kwargs)#

See ticks().